
 We are always looking for new volunteers! There are so many ways to get involved. Whether you have only a little bit of spare time or a lot, there is something for everyone! From helping out at the school library, organizing events, helping us run our regular fundraiser programs or simply helping out with small tasks from home in the evening, there is a wide range of ways to be involved in your child’s school.

In order to maintain all our numerous activities that our kids have come to love, parent involvement is required. Please consider volunteering!

For more information on how to volunteer or to add your name to our Volunteer List, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at epb.foyer.ecole@gmail.com or complete the form below.

Thank you for volunteering your time for our Home & School! Please feel free to tell us more about yourself and how you would like to help out. We would love to hear from you!
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